Finding the ureachable Demographic
April 8, 2014Finding the unreachable Demographic
“U.S. households spend an average of $653 a year on vehicle maintenance… Their spending in the automotive aftermarket has more than doubled, from $88 billion in 1980. . . Among all DIYers, more than half work on their vehicles every two of three months. More than one in ten gives their car or truck attention at least once a week”
The auto repair market has a lot of competition. However, as money gets tighter and automobiles are retained longer, car owners are doing the work themselves. So it becomes obvious that large sectors of the population are taking their #Automotive Care into their own hands. We #DIYers however cross all economic and professional levels, ages, incomes, race, or gender when it comes to cars anything or anyone goes. So how or where do we find such a broad and elusive demographic? It’s not like they’re already corralled into a nice little package for us, or are they? We see them feeding at the blog sites, gathering at the Rally’s and Cruises but how to reach them. I for one am not an avid social networker, even though necessity is making me become such, I don’t have a poster of a young brunette straddling a #Hot Rod in torn jeans and high heels hanging in my garage. I do however have six cars or trucks parked in my driveway each day. Five drivers two of which have been driving less than 2 years and another in drivers training! Working on vehicles is not just a hobby here.
Reaching those DIYers that are carrying a career, juggling kids to and from soccer and who knows what else, is not as easy as it seems. As my sons and I walked throughout the Auto Rama, stopping to chat with that proud breed displaying their works of art hewn from the mountains of blood, sweat, and grease, we quickly became aware that the #Restoration crowds are not as savvy when it comes to tech. Now maybe this is a poor sampling but when asked which of the social media’s to reach or connect with them was, it was usually returned with shrugged shoulders. Help me out, #My Mechanics Place, #MMP is a facility designed to benefit the front yard weekend warrior. We need to let them know. Come visit our website! Most of all share this concept with your friends. My Mechanics Place is launching their Crowd Funding Campaign April 15th on the #Indiegogo platform please look for us to participate.